You are here: Home / Getting PIPS / Building and Installing PIPS from SVN

Building and Installing PIPS from SVN

Detailed instructions on how to build and install PIPS from the PIPS subversion repository. This is currently the preferred method for installing PIPS.

Step 1: Install required dependencies


    For compilation:
    • ca-certificates
    • wget
    • subversion (preferably >= 1.5)
    • make
    • sed
    • perl
    • cproto (see the Known Bugs section)                      
    • gcc
    • flex
    • bison
    • ctags
    • libreadline-dev
    • libncurses-dev
    For validation:
    • gfortran
    • indent

    Optional dependencies:

    For documentation:
    • latex
    • htlatex
    For epips:
    • emacs
    For jpips:
    • JDK
    For pyps:
    • python (preferably 2.5 - 2.7)
    • swig
    For gpips:
    • GTK2

    Step 2: Download the setup script and make it executable

    The script can be downloaded here:

    $ wget
    $ chmod +x

    Step 3: Run the setup script

    You can execute the shell script to install a possibly working pips version and your development branches if you have any.

    Note: what does this script do ? It will:

    1. Checkout the source code for PIPS, Newgen and Linear from the SVN repository (in MYPIPS/prod).
    2. Checkout the validation test cases from SVN (in MYPIPS/validation)
    3. Checkout a working copy for the private user's branch, if any (in MYPIPS/pips_dev).
    4. Download and install the Polylib library

    Additionally, the script will complain in case any dependencies listed in Step 1. are missing.

     $ ./ [destination [user]]


    • destination is the destination directory (default: ~/MYPIPS)
    • user is...
    Note: The script will take a few minutes for downloads and compilations.

    Step 4: Load the PIPS environment variables

    $ source ~/MYPIPS/


    • You may want to make this change permanent by inserting the above line in your ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc file.
    • If you prefer to work in your private branch (for PIPS developers only), make the environment variable PIPS_ROOT point to MYPIPS/pips_dev rather than MYPIPS/prod/pips.

    Step 5: Validate the build

    $ unset LANG
    $ cd ~/MYPIPS/validation
    $ make -j4 validate

    At this point, you should have a working copy of PIPS.

    Annex: Rebuilding Pips

    Different reasons may require rebuilding PIPS:
    • Update your working copy from SVN
    • Integrate your own transformations
    • Relaunch a failed build
    • ...

    The following commands will rebuild your entire PIPS environment (including dependencies surch as Newgen, Linear, etc.):

    $ cd MYPIPS/prod
    $ make unbuild
    $ make -j1 build


    • The -j1 flag may be necessary to prevent make from performing concurrent builds on our dual-core CPU, depending on the default behaviour of the make utility for a given platform.
    If you have a private branch in the SVN repository, you should repeat this operation in ~/MYPIPS/pips_dev.

    Known Bugs

    • cproto 4.6 and PIPS are known to be incompatible. If you need to install cproto from source, be sure to download it from here, *not* the Sourceforge page (which offers only version 4.6) :

    Current version (at the time of writing) is cproto 4.7l.

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