Building and Installing PIPS from SVN
Step 1: Install required dependencies
Optional dependencies:For documentation:
Step 2: Download the setup script and make it executable
The script can be downloaded here:
$ wget $ chmod +x
Step 3: Run the setup script
You can execute the shell script to install a possibly working pips version and your development branches if you have any.
Note: what does this script do ? It will:
- Checkout the source code for PIPS, Newgen and Linear from the SVN repository (in MYPIPS/prod).
- Checkout the validation test cases from SVN (in MYPIPS/validation)
- Checkout a working copy for the private user's branch, if any (in MYPIPS/pips_dev).
- Download and install the Polylib library
Additionally, the script will complain in case any dependencies listed in Step 1. are missing.
$ ./ [destination [user]]
- destination is the destination directory (default: ~/MYPIPS)
- user is...
Step 4: Load the PIPS environment variables
$ source ~/MYPIPS/
- You may want to make this change permanent by inserting the above line in your ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc file.
- If you prefer to work in your private branch (for PIPS developers only), make the environment variable PIPS_ROOT point to MYPIPS/pips_dev rather than MYPIPS/prod/pips.
Step 5: Validate the build
$ unset LANG $ cd ~/MYPIPS/validation $ make -j4 validate
At this point, you should have a working copy of PIPS.
Annex: Rebuilding Pips
- Update your working copy from SVN
- Integrate your own transformations
- Relaunch a failed build
- ...
The following commands will rebuild your entire PIPS environment (including dependencies surch as Newgen, Linear, etc.):
$ cd MYPIPS/prod $ make unbuild $ make -j1 build
- The -j1 flag may be necessary to prevent make from performing concurrent builds on our dual-core CPU, depending on the default behaviour of the make utility for a given platform.
Known Bugs
- cproto 4.6 and PIPS are known to be incompatible. If you need to install cproto from source, be sure to download it from here, *not* the Sourceforge page (which offers only version 4.6) :
Current version (at the time of writing) is cproto 4.7l.
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