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13th WORKSHOP SOFTWARE-REENGINEERING GI Special Interest Group Software Reengineering (SRE) Gesellschaft fuer Informatik (German CS Association) Bad-Honnef, Germany, 2-4 May 2011
When Apr 10, 2011
from 12:00 AM to 11:50 PM
Where Bad-Honnef, Germany
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GI Special Interest Group Software Reengineering (SRE)
Gesellschaft fuer Informatik (German CS Association)

Bad-Honnef, Germany, 2-4 May 2011

*** Deadline for submissions: 10 April 2011 ***

Goals of the workshop

Software Reengineering comprises all activities that aim at examination and alteration of a software system to reconstitute it in a new form.

The main goal of the Workshop Software Reengineering (WSR) is to bring together different working groups from academia and industry that work in the fields of software reengineering and maintenance.

Everyone working in this field is invited to present his/her current activities or results. Practitioners' experience reports are as welcome as scientific projects and results.

Possible topics include (but are not limited to):

Methods and process models
* Methods and models for software reengineering
* Process models for software renovation, migration, and maintenance
* Embedding reengineering activities into software development

Reengineering tools
* Tools for program comprehension, redocumentation, software visualization, static and dynamic program analysis, software test, software maintenance, program transformation
* Interoperability between software reengineering and development tools

Software migration
* Migration strategies and transformation approaches
* Migration to service-oriented architectures (SOA)
* Migration to product line architectures

Architecture reengineering
* Architecture reconstruction, assessment, migration

Software quality
* Approaches for assessing software quality
* Improving software quality by reengineering

Economical aspects of reengineering
* Organizational aspects of reengineering projects
* Cost-effectiveness analysis of reengineering
* Quality monitoring of reengineering actions
* Effort estimation for reengineering projects

Experience reports
* Experience reports about maintenance activities, migration and reengineering projects

Tool demos

You are invited to demonstrate your software reengineering tool. Please register your tool demo, giving the name, manufacturer, and a short description (3 sentences) by sending an email to wsr at Deadline is 22 April 2011.

In case of too many registrations, the organizers will have to perform a selection.

Meeting of SRE special interest group members

The yearly meeting of the SRE special interest group will also take place during the workshop.

Where and when

The workshop will take place in the "Physikzentrum" in Bad Honnef from 2 till 4 May 2011.


Submissions may consist of extended abstracts of up to two pages. They may be written in English or German. Please use the "Softwaretechnik Trends" format

Please submit your PDF document using EasyChair:

Important dates

Extended abstract submission: 10 April 2011
Notification of acceptance: 17 April 2011
Submission of camera-ready version: 22 April 2011
Tool registration for demo: 22 April 2011
Registration: 22 April 2011


Rainer Gimnich, IBM Software Group, SOA Advanced Technologies, Frankfurt
Jochen Quante, Robert Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart
Volker Riediger, University of Koblenz-Landau, Software Engineering Group, Koblenz
Mircea Trifu, Forschungszentrum Informatik, Karlsruhe
Andreas Winter, University of Oldenburg, Software Engineering Group, Oldenburg

Special interest group Software Reengineering

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