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January 7, 2011 - HCW 2011 (20th International Heterogeneity in Computing Workshop)

HCW 2011 20th International Heterogeneity in Computing Workshop ( ) held in conjunction with IPDPS'2011 The 25th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium 16-20 May 2011 Anchorage (Alaska) USA
When Jan 07, 2011
Where Anchorage (Alaska) USA
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*******************   CFP HCW 2011 **********************************
HCW 2011 
20th International Heterogeneity in Computing Workshop )

held in conjunction with IPDPS'2011
The 25th IEEE International 
Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium  
16-20 May 2011       Anchorage (Alaska) USA

Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society, 
through the Technical Committee on Parallel Processing (TCPP), 
and by the U.S. Office of Naval Research (ONR). 

Today, most computing systems have elements of heterogeneity. Heterogeneity 
springs from the richness of environments where diversity and resource 
abundance prevail. Recognizing, capturing, and efficiently exploiting this 
diversity in an integrated and coherent manner are key goals of heterogeneous 

Heterogeneous computing systems are those with a range of diverse computing 
resources that can be on a chip, within a computer, or on a local or 
geographically distributed network. The development of heterogeneous 
multi-core chips and the pervasive use of networks by all segments of society 
mean that the number and types of heterogeneous computing resources are 
growing rapidly. This growth creates the need and opportunity for new 
research to effectively utilize these resources in innovative and novel ways. 
For example, cluster computing, grid computing, peer-to-peer computing, and 
cloud computing all involve elements of heterogeneity. The effective 
implementation of efficient applications in these environments, however, 
requires that a host of issues be addressed that simply do not occur in 
homogeneous systems.

Whereas many researchers and practitioners that use computers have a 
peripheral awareness of heterogeneity in their respective fields, few 
critically approach their fields from the heterogeneous perspective. This is 
not particularly surprising, because each field has its own unique challenges 
and imperatives that propel investigations in search of solutions to pressing 
problems. Addressing computing problems from the heterogeneous perspective 
offers at least three advantages: (i) the design and development of more 
advanced high-performance computing platforms, (ii) insight into new solution 
approaches, and (iii) exposure to new research opportunities and 
relationships among distinct research areas. HCW encourages the examination 
of both hardware and software systems from the perspective of heterogeneity.

With the increasing number of components in heterogeneous parallel and 
distributed systems, failure is becoming a critical factor that impacts 
application performance. In recent years, there also has been an increasing 
interest in robust design in parallel and distributed computing systems that 
must operate in an environment full of uncertainties. These uncertainties 
could include task execution times varying with data input sets and resources 
dynamically joining and leaving the system. This year, HCW is specifically 
encouraging submissions that explore the capabilities of robust and 
fault-tolerant systems, paradigms, algorithms, and techniques for 
heterogeneous computing. 
Areas or research interest include, but are not limited to, heterogeneity 
aspects of:  
- Robust resource allocation and scheduling
- Fault tolerance
- Control and use of multi-cores
- Computer architectures
- Parallel and distributed computing
- Programming paradigms and tools
- Resource discovery and management
- Task and communication scheduling
- Task coordination and workflow
- Performance evaluation and management
- Cluster computing
- Grid computing
- Cloud computing
- Peer-to-peer computing
- Ubiquitous computing
- Application case studies

Paper submission:  January 7, 2011
Author Notification:  February 7, 2011
Camera-ready:  February 21, 2011

Yves Caniou
Associate Professor at Université Lyon 1,
Member of the team project INRIA GRAAL in the LIP ENS-Lyon,
Délégation CNRS in Japan French Laboratory of Informatics (JFLI),
 * in Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo,
   2-11-16 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8658, Japan
   tel: +81-3-5841-0540
 * in National Institute of Informatics
   2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8430, Japan
   tel: +81-3-4212-2412 

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