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June 11, 2012 - PROPER 2012 (5th Workshop on Productivity and Performance Tools for HPC Application Development)

5th Workshop on Productivity and Performance Tools for HPC Application Development (PROPER 2012) at Euro-Par 2012 Conference, Rhodes island, Greece, 27-31 August 2012
When Jun 11, 2012
from 12:00 AM to 11:25 PM
Where Rhodes island, Greece
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Submission deadline moved from June 4th to 10th.


Call For Papers

5th Workshop on Productivity and Performance Tools for HPC Application Development (PROPER 2012) at Euro-Par 2012 Conference,

Rhodes island, Greece,

27-31 August 2012

** Submission Deadline: June 4th 2012 **

Driven by current trends in microprocessor design, the number of processor cores available on modern supercomputers grows rapidly from generation to generation while the amount of memory per core will be degrading. To keep pace, applications need to harness much higher degrees of parallelism while ensuring efficient use of the underlying computing resources. Writing code that runs correctly and efficiently on large numbers of processors and cores is extraordinarily challenging. The increased concurrency levels place higher demands on the application development process and thus require adequate tool support for debugging and performance analysis. The PROPER workshop will serve as a forum to present novel work on scalable methods and tools for high-performance computing. The workshop covers parallel program development and analysis, debugging, correctness checking, and performance measurement and evaluation. Further topics include the integration of tools with compilers and the overall development environment, as well as success stories reporting application performance, scalability, reliability, or productivity improvements that have been achieved using tools.

Workshop Topics:

* Tools and tool approaches for parallel program development and analysis

* Correctness checking

* Performance measurement and evaluation

* Success stories about optimization or parallel scalability achieved using tools

The workshop is supported by the Virtual Institute - High Productivity Supercomputing (VI-HPS), an initiative to promote the development and integration of HPC programming tools.

Important Dates: =====================

* June 4th: submission deadline for full papers

* June 29th: notification of acceptance

* October 15th: camera ready papers due

All submissions will undergo a review by at least two reviewers. We welcome submissions of full papers not exceeding 10 pages in Springer LNCS format. See for more details.

Steering Committee:

* Andreas Knüpfer, Technische Universität Dresden (Chair of Steering Committee)

* Michael Gerndt, Technische Universität München

* Bettina Krammer, Université de Versailles St-Quentin-en-Yvelines

* Shirley Moore, University of Tennessee * Matthias Müller, Technische Universität Dresden

* Felix Wolf, German Research School for Simulation Sciences

Programme Committee:

* Jean-Thomas Acquaviva, Exascale Computing Research

* Dieter an Mey, RWTH Aachen

* Patrick Carribault, CEA

* Jens Doleschal, TU Dresden

* Karl Fürlinger, LMU München

* Michael Gerndt, TU München

* William Jalby, Université de Versailles St-Quentin-en-Yvelines

* Andreas Knüpfer, TU Dresden

* Bettina Krammer, Université de Versailles St-Quentin-en-Yvelines

* Allen Malony, University of Oregon

* Matthias Müller, TU Dresden

* Shirley Moore, University of Tennessee

* Marc Pérache, CEA

* Martin Schulz, Lawrence Livermore National Lab

* Jan Treibig, RRZE, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

* Felix Wolf, German Research School for Simulation Sciences

Workshop chair:

Bettina Krammer,

-- Bettina Krammer Technical Director of LRC ITACA Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ)
45, Av. des Etats-Unis
78035 Versailles cedex
Tel: (+33) 139 253 615

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