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March 1, 2011 - Special Issue on Real-Time Image Processing on Multi-Cores, Many-Cores and High-level FPGA-based Platforms

EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing Special Issue on Real-Time Image Processing on Multi-Cores, Many-Cores and High-level FPGA-based Platforms
When Mar 01, 2011
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Special Issue on Real-Time Image Processing on Multi-Cores, Many-Cores and High-level FPGA-based Platforms

Call for Papers

Image and video processing is one main candidate to parallel processing on new low cost multicore (CPU), many core (Cell, GPU ...) and FPGA. Real time is now achievable with tight coupling of camera/sensors with computing resources (CPU/GPU/FPGA). This allows new applications/solutions where real-time execution is a key aspect. Parallelism is still an important challenge even in the field of image and video processing. New algorithms, data structures, architectures, libraries need to be developed to benefit from the use of multicore/many-core/FPGA technologies. We encourage both scientific papers as well as one or two tutorial papers. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Real-time image and video processing algorithms aware of multi-core/many-core/FPGA architecture constraints

Image and video processing libraries and tools on multi-core/many-core/FPGA

Exploration of image and video processing algorithms and comparison of multi-core, many-core and FPGA

Parallel programming models targeting image and video processing for multi-core/many-core/FPGA and clusters of multi-core/many-core/FPGA

Case studies demonstrating how the real-time multi-core/many-core/FPGA implementation of image/video processing enables new services/ applications or increases the performance and efficiency of existing ones

Before submission authors should carefully read over the journal’s Author Guidelines, which are located at http://www Prospective au- thors should submit an electronic copy of their complete manuscript through the journal Manuscript Tracking Sys- tem at according to the following timetable:

Lead Guest Editor Dominique Houzet, GIPSA-Laboratory/Grenoble-INP,

38031 Grenoble, France; Guest Editors

Horst Bischof, University of Graz, 8010 Graz, Austria;

Patrick Horain, Telecom SudParis, 91011 Évry, France;

James Fung, NVIDIA Inc., USA; 



Manuscript Due: March 1, 2011

First Round of Reviews: June 1, 2011

Publication Date: September 1, 2011


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