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November 6, 2011 - PLDI (Programming Language Design and Implementation )

Programming Language Design and Implementation — 11–16 June, Beijing
When Nov 06, 2011
Where Beijing
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About 关于

PLDI is a forum where researchers, developers, educators, and practitioners exchange information on the latest practical and experimental work in the design and implementation of programming languages. PLDI seeks original research papers that focus on the design, implementation, development, and use of programming languages. PLDI emphasizes innovative and creative approaches to compile-time and runtime technology; novel language designs and features; and results from implementations.

The 33rd ACM SIGPLAN conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation will have a number of firsts...

  • first time PLDI is located in Asia;
  • first co-location between PLDI and ECOOP;
  • introduce new events to PLDI such as the Asian Experience Track;
  • will provide a family friendly conference with child care activities.

The conference will be held at the Crowne Plaza Wuzhou with additional accommodations in a number of nearby hotels. Travel grants for students and young researchers will ensure that the PLDI remains affordable for all potential attendees. A number of social events as well as touring options will be provided for the curious and adventurous.

Important Dates 重要日期

For technical papers note the following dates:

  • Full papers are due on Sunday, November 6, 2011.
  • Notification of acceptance mailed on Thursday February 2, 2012.
  • Camera ready copies are due on March 26, 2012.

Organizers 组织者

Conference Chairs:

Jan Vitek Purdue University

Haibo Lin IBM Research - China

Xiaobing Feng ICT, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Workshop Chairs:

Xiangyu Zhang Purdue University

Chengyong Wu ICT, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Publicity Chair:

Matthew Might University of Utah
Student Research Competition Chair:

Armando Solar-Lezama MIT
Finance and Sponsorship Chair:

Iulian Neamtiu University of California, Riverside
Program Chair:

Frank Tip IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
Program Committee:

Hans J. Boehm HP Labs

Wenguang Chen Tsinghua University

Jong-Deok Choi Samsung Electronics

Cliff Click Azul Systems

Byron Cook Microsoft Research and QM, Univ. of London

Amer Diwan Google and University of Colorado at Boulder

Sophia Drossopoulou Imperial College London

Susan Eisenbach Imperial College London

Robby Findler Northwestern University

Stephen Fink IBM T. J. Watson Research Center

Stephen Freund Williams College

Patrice Godefroid Microsoft Research

Dan Grossman University of Washington

Samuel Guyer Tufts University

Laurie Hendren McGill University

Tony Hosking Purdue University

Jaakko Järvi Texas A&M University

Ondrej Lhotak University of Waterloo

Ben Liblit University of Wisconsin–Madison

Calvin Lin The University of Texas at Austin

Margaret Martonosi Princeton University

Todd Millstein University of California, Los Angeles

Anders Møller Aarhus University

Nathaniel Nystrom University of Lugano, Switzerland

David Padua University of Illinois

Barbara Ryder Virginia Tech

Zhendong Su University of California, Davis

Mandana Vaziri IBM T. J. Watson Research Center

Chenggang Wu ICT, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Eran Yahav Technion, Israel
External Review Committee:

J. Nelson Amaral University of Alberta

Matthew Arnold IBM T. J. Watson Research Center

Steve Blackburn Australian National University

Guy Blelloch CMU

Kim Bruce Pomona

Luis Ceze University of Washington

Dhruva Chakrabarti HP Labs

Satish Chandra IBM India Research

Bor-Yuh Evan Chang University of Colorado at Boulder

Swarat Chaudhuri Penn State University

Chen Ding University of Rochester

Erik Ernst Aarhus University

Azadeh Farzan University of Toronto

Matthew Flatt University of Utah

Jeffrey S. Foster University of Maryland, College Park

Ronald Garcia University of British Columbia

Robert Grimm NYU

Aarti Gupta NEC Labs

Ben Hardekopf University of California, Santa Barbara

Chris Hawblitzel Microsoft Research

Görel Hedin Lund University

Robert Hundt Google

Richard Jones University of Kent

Roy Ju AMD

Shriram Krishnamurthi Brown University

Martha Kim Columbia University

Jens Knoop Vienna University of Technology

Ulrich Kremer Rutgers

Doug Lea State University of New York at Oswego

Jenq-Kuen Lee National Tsing Hua University

Sorin Lerner University of California, San Diego

Kathryn S McKinley The University of Texas at Austin

Matthew Might University of Utah

Hanspeter Mössenböck Johannes Kepler University Linz

Satish Narayanasamy University of Michigan

James Noble Victoria University of Wellington

Shaz Qadeer Microsoft Research

G. Ramalingam Microsoft Research India

John Regehr University of Utah

Max Schaefer University of Oxford

Manu Sridharan IBM T. J. Watson Research Center

Emina Torlak LogicBlox

Christoph von Praun Georg-Simon-Ohm Hochschule Nürnberg

Adam Welc Adobe

Youfeng Wu Intel

Steve Zdancewic University of Pennsylvania

Xiangyu Zhang Purdue University

Lei Zhao Purdue University

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