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July 22, 2011 - Posters for SC 11 (Supercomputing Conference)

Supercomputing Conference , Seattle, Washington, November 2011
When Jul 22, 2011
from 01:05 AM to 11:05 PM
Where Seattle, Washington
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A few of the imminent deadlines include:

• Posters - Due Friday July 22, 2011


Posters Program Currently Accepting Submissions

Posters provide an excellent opportunity for short presentations and informal discussions with conference attendees. SC11 is soliciting submissions for posters that display cutting-edge, interesting research in high performance computing, storage, networking and analytics.

Submissions are strongly encouraged to consider the SC11 thrust of data intensive science and/or the SC11 technical program focus on sustained performance. Posters will be prominently displayed for the duration of the conference, giving presenters a chance to showcase their latest results and innovations. It is also planned that electronic versions of the posters will be archived and made publicly available after the conference. Finally, there will be one award for Best Poster.

As in past years, we solicit three different types of posters:
1) Poster (regular paper poster)
2) Electronic Poster (will be presented on 50-inch LCD displays)
3) ACM Student Research Competition Poster:
There are separate submission forms for the three different types of posters.

Students who are ACM members are encouraged to submit posters as part of the ACM Student Research Competition (SRC), with awards and special recognition at SC11 and the chance to compete in the SRC grand finals. Otherwise the same restrictions as for regular posters apply.

See the sample submission forms at the login page of the submission website (see link in the orange bar at top) for more information on what is exactly required for a poster submission.

Submission site:
Submissions due: Friday July 22, 2011
Notification: Friday, August 19, 2011
For more information:

SC11 Important Dates

Be sure to always check the SC11 Important Dates page for key conference application, nomination, submission,
and notification deadlines.

Important dates:

Seattle's Convention and Visitors Bureau:

Visiting Seattle:

For more information:

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