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August 18, 2011 - HVC 2011 (Haifa Verification Conference 2011)

Haifa Verification Conference 2011 (HVC 2011) December 6-8, 2011 Organized by IBM R&D Labs in Israel
When Aug 18, 2011
from 12:00 AM to 11:25 PM
Where Haifa, Israel
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Haifa Verification Conference 2011 (HVC 2011)
December 6-8, 2011
Organized by IBM R&D Labs in Israel


Submission deadline: August 18, 2011
Author notification: September 19, 2011
Conference gathering: December 6-8, 2011
Final Version: January 31, 2012


Research and practice in system verification and testing are
roughly divided into two major paradigms: formal verification
and dynamic verification (testing). Within each paradigm,
algorithms and techniques may differ considerably between
hardware-related solutions and software-related solutions.
However, the common underlying goal of these techniques,
across paradigms and system types, is to ensure the correct
functionality and performance of complex systems. HVC is the
only conference that brings together researchers and
practitioners from all verification and testing sub-fields,
thereby encouraging the migration of methods and ideas among
domains. HVC 2011 invites the submission of technical papers
reporting original research and experience results in all
sub-fields of testing and verification applicable to software,
hardware, and hybrid systems.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Simulation-based verification
* Formal verification methods
* High-level stimuli generation
* Equivalence checking
* SAT-based verification algorithms
* Classification of hardware bugs
* Static analysis
* Design for verifiability
* Hardware/software co-verification
* Debugging
* Emulation and acceleration
* Formal modeling and specification
* Post-silicon validation
* CSP-based functional verification
* Formal specification languages
* Model checking
* Quality assurance
* Testing methodologies
* Defect prevention
* Test-driven development
* Hybrid verification methods
* Model-based testing
* Verification coverage
* Developer testing
* Review and inspection
* Semi-formal verification
* Test automation and automated test generation
* Coverage analysis and test minimization
* Test planning
* Testing and analysis of concurrent software
* Domain specific testing and analysis
* Functional and performance testing


The lovely city of Haifa resides on Mount Carmel overlooking
the Mediterranean Sea, and is home to Jews, Muslims, and
Christians. Haifa is also the world center of the Baha'i faith,
and the wondrous Baha'i gardens are a must-see attraction. The
conference will be held in the modern building of the IBM R&D
Labs, situated at the top of the mountain.


HVC best paper and best student paper awards: a special session
will present and award the best regular and student papers. These
will be selected by a special committee.

Social events include an excursion, a reception, and an optional
weekend in Jerusalem after the conference.


We anticipate a number of student grants to cover part of the
travel expenses for full-time students who are authors of
accepted papers.


All submitted papers should be in LNCS format. For details, see:

Regular papers: Regular paper submissions should describe
original and unpublished work. Simultaneous submission to other
conferences with proceedings or submission of previously
published material is strictly forbidden. Regular papers should
not exceed fifteen (15) pages in LNCS format. Submissions will
be accepted in electronic form (pdf or postscript), via the
easychair portal. An early email to conference chairs with your
intention to submit a paper would be appreciated.

Tools and experience papers: Tools and experience submissions
should describe a new tool and its features, or new field experience,
and demonstrate effectiveness and applicability. Tools and experience
papers are required to show significant advancements compared with
existing tools and practices. Papers in this track should
not exceed five (6) pages in LNCS format. Tool presentations are
expected to include a short demo.


As in previous years, HVC 2011 plans to publish its
post-proceedings as a Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer
Science (LNCS) volume. In addition, HVC 2011 plans to invite
the authors of the top 10%-20% accepted papers to submit
revised versions of their work to a special issue of a journal.
HVC further plans for its papers to become accessible via the
Web of Knowledge.


Submission deadline: August 18, 2011
Author notification: September 19, 2011
Conference gathering: December 6-8, 2011
Final Version: January 31, 2012


Onn Shehory, IBM Israel (General chair)
Kerstin Eder, University of Bristol (Co-Program Chair)
Joao Lourenco, New University of Lisbon (Co-Program Chair)


Sharon Barner, IBM Israel
Geoff Barrett, Broadcom
Armin Biere, FMV
Eyal Bin, IBM Israel
Roderick Bloem, Graz University of Technology
Michael Browne, IBM USA
Michael Butler, University of Southampton
Radu Calinescu, University of Aston
Hana Chockler, IBM Israel
Kerstin Eder, University of Bristol
Eitan Farchi, IBM Israel
Harry Foster, Mentor Graphics
Franco Fummi, University of Verona
Ian G. Harris, University of California Irvine
Ziyad Hanna, Jasper DA
Klaus Havelund, JPL
Alan Hu, University of British Columbia
Mika Katara, Tampere University of Technology
Zurab Khasidashvili, Intel
Tsvi Kuflik, University of Haifa
Mark Last, Ben Gurion University
Joao Lourenco, New University of Lisbon
Tom Melham, Oxford University
Amir Nahir, IBM Israel
Mauro Pezze, University of Lugano and University of Milano Bicocca
Orna Raz, IBM Israel
Michael S. Hsiao, VirginiaTech
Wolfram Schulte, Microsoft Research
Onn Shehory, IBM Israel
Armando Tacchella, University of Genova
Helen Treharne, University of Surrey
Shmuel Ur, Innovations Ltd
Helmut Veith, Vienna University of Technology
Li-C. Wang, University of California, Santa Barbara
Heike Wehrheim, Paderborn University

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