You are here: Home / CFP Folder / March 02, 2012 - PLAS 2012 (Seventh ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Programming Languages and Analysis for Security)

March 02, 2012 - PLAS 2012 (Seventh ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Programming Languages and Analysis for Security)

Seventh ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Programming Languages and Analysis for Security (PLAS 2012) June 15, 2012 Co-located with PLDI 2012, Beijing, China
When Mar 02, 2012
from 12:00 AM to 11:20 PM
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Call for Papers

                  Seventh ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on
          Programming Languages and Analysis for Security
                           (PLAS 2012)

                          June 15, 2012
 	      Co-located with PLDI 2012, Beijing, China



PLAS aims to provide a forum for exploring and evaluating ideas on the
use of programming language and program analysis techniques to improve
the security of software systems. Strongly encouraged are proposals of
new, speculative ideas, evaluations of new or known techniques in
practical settings, and discussions of emerging threats and important

The scope of PLAS includes but is not limited to:

* Compiler-based security mechanisms or runtime-based security
 mechanisms such as inline reference monitors
* Program analysis techniques for discovering security vulnerabilities
* Automated introduction and/or verification of security enforcement
* Language-based verification of security properties in software
 including verification of cryptographic protocols and algorithms
* Specifying and enforcing security policies for information flow and
 access control
* Model-driven approaches to security
* Security concerns for web programming languages
* Language design for security in new domains such as cloud computing
 and embedded platforms
* Applications, case studies, and implementations of these techniques

Submissions due:      March 2, 2012.
Author notification:  April 4, 2012.
PLAS 2010 workshop:   June 15, 2012.


We invite papers in two categories:

* Full papers should be at most 12 pages long including bibliography
 and appendices. Papers in this category are expected to have
 relatively mature content. Full paper presentations will be 25
 minutes each.

* Position papers should be at most 6 pages long including
 bibliography and appendices. Preliminary and exploratory work are
 welcome in this category. Position paper presentations will be 10
 minutes each. Authors submitting papers in this category must
 prepend the phrase "Position Paper: " (without quotes) to the title
 of the submitted paper.

Submissions should be PDF documents typeset in the ACM proceedings
format using 10pt fonts. SIGPLAN-approved templates can be found at We recommend
using this format, which improves greatly on the ACM LaTeX format. All
submissions must be in English. Page limits are strict.

Both full and position papers must describe work not published in
other refereed venues (see the SIGPLAN republication policy at for
details). Accepted papers will appear in the workshop proceedings
which will be distributed to workshop participants and be available in
the ACM Digital Library.


Sruthi Bandhakavi (Google Inc.)
Avik Chaudhuri    (Adobe Systems)
Stephen Chong     (Harvard University)
Yuxin Deng        (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Feng Dengguo      (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Marieke Huisman   (University of Twente)
Sergio Maffeis    (Imperial College London)     [co-chair]
Prasad Naldurg    (Microsoft Research India)
Marco Pistoia     (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center)
Tamara Rezk       (INRIA)                       [co-chair]
David Sands       (Chalmers University)
Zhong Shao        (Yale University)

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