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February 19, 2011 - ACCA 2011 (Workshop “analyse to compile, compile to analyse”)

Workshop “analyse to compile, compile to analyse” (ACCA 2011) Affiliated with CGO 2011
When Feb 19, 2011
Where Chamonix, France
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  Workshop “analyse to compile, compile to analyse” (ACCA 2011)

Affiliated with CGO 2011


The purpose of the workshop is to share ideas on the two close topics : *static and dynamic code analysis* and *compilation*. By encouraging discussions and co-operations across different, yet related fields, the workshop strives for bridging the gap between the two communities.

Topics include :

   * *Static and dynamic analysis techniques* (abstract interpretation, SMT-solving, bounded model checking, typing, proof-carrying code.  . . ) to be integrated into compilers.

   * *Studies on the design of statics analysers* : frontends, impact of intermediate representations (CFG, SSA) on precision and efficiency of static analysers.

Talks should be accessible to the combined audience of the workshop, and emphasize areas where compilation and static analysis techniques interact.

     Program committee

Chairs: L. Gonnord and D. Monniaux

Jean-Christophe Filliâtre  (CNRS/LRI)
Abdoulaye Gamatié (CNRS/LIFL)
Laure Gonnord   (Lille1 University/LIFL)
David Monniaux (CNRS/Verimag)
Sid-Ahmed-Ali Touati (Versailles University)


We feel that there are already many venues that accept papers on such topics, and that the “refereed papers and printed proceedings” format stiffles discussion, which is what a workshop should be about. As a consequence, we have opted for the following format :

   * One keynote speech.
   * A series of presentations, which we encourage to be less formal than in a conference. The submission method is to be announced.
   * *No article is needed to give a presentation.*
   * We strongly encourage submissions of presentations that would be attractive for the combined audience of the workshop (experts in compilation, program analysis and program proofs). However the proposals might not fit within the usual conference format. For instance, we encourage *reports of experience with building analysis systems or compilers*, which might not contain new results, but may help the audience a great deal by conveying practical insights.

     Submission and important dates

Submission is handled by EasyChair

Please submit a an *abstract of your talk, up to 1 page*.

   * Submission deadline : *February 19, 2011*
   * Notification of acceptance : *February 25, 2011*
   * Workshop : *April 3, 2011*


To contact the PC chairs, please email

Laure Gonnord for the ACCA team.

Laure Gonnord - Assistant Professor Lille University
Co-Coordinator of the French Compilation Community :
Office : Inria Lille (DART team) Tel +33 3-59577813
Webpage :

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