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February 28, 2013 - ParCo 2013 (PARALLEL COMPUTING 2013)

PARALLEL COMPUTING 2013 (ParCo2013) 10 – 13 September 2013 Munich, Germany ANNOUNCEMENT & CALL FOR PAPERS
When Feb 28, 2013
from 12:00 AM to 11:45 PM
Where Munich, Germany
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10 – 13 September 2013
Munich, Germany
Parallel computing, for many years the enabling technology of high-end machines, is now
the key for the efficient use of any kind of computer architecture, from embedded and
personal up to exascale systems.
ParCo2013 continues the tradition of the international conferences on parallel computing
started in Berlin, Germany, in 1983. This makes ParCo one of the longest running
international conferences on parallel computing. Over the years, the conference
established itself as the foremost platform for exchanging know-how on the newest
parallel computing strategies, technologies, methods, and tools.
The high scientific standard of the conference presentations and the refereed proceedings
have become the hall-mark of ParCo.
As with all previous conferences in this series ParCo2013 will, through its informal nature,
give participants excellent opportunities to meet and interact with fellow researchers.
The aim of the conference is to give an overview of the state of the art of the
developments, applications, and future trends in parallel computing for the whole range of
platforms. The conference addresses all aspects of parallel computing, including
applications, hardware and software technologies as well as languages and development
Section 1: Algorithms
Design, analysis, and implementation of parallel algorithms in science and engineering,
focusing on issues such as
 Scalability and speedup
 Efficient utilization of the memory hierarchy
 Communication and synchronization
 Data Management and Exploration
 Energy Efficiency.
The parallel computing aspects should be emphasized.
Section 2: Software and Architectures
Software engineering for developing and maintaining parallel software, including
 Parallel programming languages, compilers, and environments
 Tools and techniques for generating reliable and efficient parallel code
Testing and debugging techniques and tools
Best practices of parallel computing on multicore, manycore, and stream
Software, architectures and operating systems for all types of parallel computers may be
considered, including multicores, GPU accelerators, FPGA reconfigurable systems, high-
end machines and cloud computing.

Section 3: Applications
The application of parallel computing to solve all types of business, industrial, scientific,
and engineering problems using high-performance computing technologies, in particular:
 Applications of high-end machines including exascale
 Applications of multicore / manycore processors
 GPU-based applications
 Cloud and Grid computing applications.
The scientific program consists of invited and contributed papers as well as mini-symposia
covering special topics.
Papers are presented in parallel sessions with 20 minutes available per presentation, with
an additional five minutes for discussion.
A special session for young researchers as well as an industrial session and an exhibition
are planned.
We call for contributed papers in English Language. Extended abstracts of at least two
pages should be submitted in electronic form by 28 February 2013. Proposals are to be
submitted in .pdf-format. Full papers are due before the conference.
Abstracts should clearly describe the contents of the proposed paper. The relevance and
originality of the contribution must be described and the most important references
included. At most five relevant keywords must be supplied. Also indicate the preferred
topic area (section 1, 2 or 3) from the list given above.
Please check the conference Website for details on how to submit
proposals. This information will be published as soon as the conference management tool
has been set up.
Proposals for organising a mini-symposium are called for. Such proposals should give:
 The proposed title of the symposium
 The name and affiliation(s) of the organiser(s)

A short outline of the contents
The planned number of papers.
Proposals for organising a mini-symposium can be submitted by 31 March 2013 to the
mini-symposium chairs:
 Miriam Mehl
 Tobias Weinzierl
Extended abstracts of papers: 28 February 2013
Proposals for mini-symposia: 31 March 2013
Notification of acceptance for presentation at conference: 15 May 2013
Submission of full papers: 31 July 2013
Notification of inclusion of full papers in the proceedings: 30 September 2013
The conference proceedings will be published after the conference.
An invitation to (an) author(s) to present a paper at the conference is based on an
extended abstract or draft paper. Thus, the presentation of a paper at the conference does
not imply an automatic acceptance of the presented paper for publication in the
conference proceedings. All papers presented at the conference will be refereed at or
after the conference. Only accepted papers will be published.
All papers presented as part of mini-symposia will be considered for publication in the
proceedings. This will be done in liaison with the organiser(s) of the respective mini-
ParCo2013 is organised by the non-profit foundation ParCo Conferences in cooperation
with TUM and LRZ-BAdW, Germany.
Conference Committee Chair: Gerhard Joubert (Germany/Netherlands)
Program Committee Chair: Arndt Bode (Germany)
Michael Bader (Germany)
Rosa Badia (Spain)
Organising Committee Chair: Hans-Joachim Bungartz (Germany)
Michael Gerndt (Germany)
Finance Chair: Frans Peters (Netherlands)
Advisory Committee: Thomas Lippert (Germany)
Thierry Priol (France)
Koen De Bosschere (Belgium)
Jack Dongarra (USA)
Organizing Committee: Michael Bader (Organizing Chair)
Arndt Bode (Organizing Chair)
Hans-Joachim Bungartz (Organizing Chair)
Michael Gerndt (Organizing Chair)
Houssam Haitof (Logistics Chair)
Herbert Huber (Industry, Exhibition Chair)
Miriam Mehl (Mini-Symposium Chair)
Carsten Trinitis (Industry Symposium Chair)
Josef Weidendorfer (Student Competition Chair)
Tobias Weinzierl (Mini-Symposium Chair)
Mail Address: Prof. Dr. Michael Bader
TU Muenchen
Boltzmannstraße 3
D-85748 Garching

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