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February 07, 2011 - IMPACT (First International Workshop on Polyhedral Compilation Techniques)

First International Workshop on Polyhedral Compilation Techniques Early April 2011, Chamonix, France In conjunction with CGO 2011
When Feb 07, 2011
Where Chamonix, France
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First International Workshop on Polyhedral Compilation Techniques

              Early April 2011, Chamonix, France
                 In conjunction with CGO 2011

The polyhedral model is increasingly recognized as a fundamental framework to design efficient, fine-grain, source-level compiler analysis and optimizations. The workshop on polyhedral compilation techniques provides a high-quality forum for researchers and practitioners working on program analysis, transformations and optimizations in the polyhedral model.  Both theoretical and experimental papers are welcome, on topics ranging from historical HPC computing and signal processing to hardware synthesis and new application domains. We strongly encourage submissions describing preliminary ideas and results, position papers, experience reports, and tools effectively available, with the aim to stimulate discussions and prospective collaborations.

IMPACT aims to be a key event for the polyhedral compilation community to exchange or to debate ideas and visions. The Program Committee will value the meeting itself as much as the quality of the papers. To ensure the workshop is not closed to any interesting emerging ideas, neither original material nor impressive speedups are required for submission.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

   * Polyhedral Compilation Flow
   * Automatic Parallelization and Optimization
   * Hardware Synthesis
   * Static Analysis
   * Program Verification
   * Model Checking
   * Robustness and Scalablility of Polyhedral Techniques
   * Theoretical Foundations of the Polyhedral Model
   * Extensions of the Polyhedral Model
   * Tool Demonstration

Important Dates

   * Submission deadline: February 14, 2011

   * Notification to authors: March 7, 2011

   * Final version due: March 25, 2011

   * Workshop: TBD, early April 2011, in conjunction with CGO 2011


Submissions may not exceed 6 pages (recommended 4-6 pages) formatted according to the ACM proceedings format. Submissions should be in PDF and printable on US Letter and A4 sized paper.  Please send the submission by the deadline to: with a copy to

Papers will be refereed by the Program Committee and if accepted, and if the authors wish, will be made available on the workshop web site.

Organizing Committee

Christophe Alias     INRIA, France (chair)
Cédric Bastoul       U. of Paris-Sud, France (co-chair)

Program Committee

Muthu Baskaran       Reservoir, USA
Uday Bondhugula      IBM, USA
Philippe Clauss      U. of Strasbourg, France
Albert Cohen         INRIA, France
Paul Feautrier       ENS Lyon, France
Armin Größlinger     U. of Passau, Germany
Ronan Keryell        HPC Project, France
Sebastian Pop        AMD, USA
S. Rajopadhye        Colorado State University, USA
J. Ramanujam         Louisiana State University, USA
P. Sadayappan        The Ohio State University, USA

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