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June 25, 2012 - ESTIMedia 2012 (10th IEEE Symposium on Embedded Systems for Real-Time Multimedia )

The 10th IEEE Symposium on Embedded Systems for Real-Time Multimedia in Tampere, Finland on October 11-12, 2012 The IEEE ESTIMedia'12 is organized as a part of the Embedded Systems Week October 07-12, 2012 Tampere, Finland
When Jun 25, 2012
from 12:00 AM to 11:30 PM
Where Tampere, Finland
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Call for Papers: ESTIMedia 2012

The 10th IEEE Symposium on Embedded Systems for Real-Time Multimedia
in Tampere, Finland on October 11-12, 2012

The IEEE ESTIMedia'12 is organized as a part of the Embedded Systems
Week October 07-12, 2012 Tampere, Finland

==== General Information ====
The IEEE ESTIMedia aims to bring together people from different
multimedia-related research communities who have worked separately,
but did not interact sufficiently to address the challenges facing the
design of hardware and software for multimedia systems.  After a very
successful debut in 2003 and consolidated in successive years,
ESTIMedia is continuing to be run at part of the Embedded Systems
Week. We hope that this 10th edition will present a good opportunity
for specialists from academia and industry to contribute to this
exciting research area. The program will bring together original work
from both, academic and industrial research and development. This
year, ESTIMedia features a NEW SUBMISSION procedure distinct from
previous years as follows:

1. All submissions are made to the ACM Transactions on Embedded
Computing Systems (TECS), Special Issue for ESTIMedia 2012.
2. There will be two types of accepted submissions: (1) accepted and
selected papers and (2) accepted papers.
3. The accepted and selected papers will be published in the special
issue of the ACM TECS. These papers will be also invited to
provide an extended abstract to be published in the symposium
4. The accepted papers will be published (full length) in the
symposium proceedings.
5. Authors of the "accepted and selected" papers and the "accepted"
papers are scheduled for a 20-min oral presentation followed by an
interactive poster session.
6. Papers should represent original work, not published or submitted
for publication in other conferences or journals.

==== Areas of Interest (but not restricted to)====

*   Specification and modeling of multimedia systems
*   Multimedia systems design methodologies and case studies
*   Circuits and architectures for embedded multimedia systems
*   Multimedia processors and reconfigurable architectures
*   Emerging trends (systems-on-chip, networks-on-chip, game
applications, etc.)
*   Validation and verification
*   Software optimization and compiler techniques
*   Timing aspects of media streams
*   Scheduling of media processing
*   Resource and QoS management methods
*   Temporal estimation and protection of media streams
*   Real-time kernels, OS and middleware support

==== Paper Submission Guidelines====

Both research and application-oriented papers are welcome. Research
papers should describe original research, such as new ideas,
promising approaches and experiences with practical
systems. Application-oriented papers should describe interesting
technical aspects of real-life applications, prototypes, experiences,
and standards. Submitted papers should represent original work, not
published or submitted for publication in other conferences or
journals. All papers should be submitted electronically via the TECS
submission system with a clear identification for submitting to
ESTIMedia 2012. Submissions must be limited to 10 pages,
single-spaced, double-column IEEE format with 10-point fonts.
Authors are also encouraged to submit shorter (e.g., 6 pages) papers
if this better fits the nature and content of the paper. Papers
deviating significantly from these paper size and font constraints
may be rejected without review.

==== Important Dates====

Submission deadline (extended): June 25, 2012

Author notification (for symposium acceptance/rejection):
August, 03, 2012
Revision deadline for potential accepted and selected papers:
August, 17, 2012
Revision acceptance notification (for accepted and selected papers):
September, 10, 2012
Camera-ready version: September, 17, 2012

==== Organizers====
General Chair
Jörg Henkel, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

Past General Chair
Naehyuck Chang, Seoul National University, Korea

Technical Program Co-Chairs
Jian-Jia Chen, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Maurizio Palesi, Kore University, Italy

Web Chair
Muhammad Shafique, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

Call for Papers: ESTIMedia 2012

The 10th IEEE Symposium on Embedded Systems for Real-Time Multimedia
in Tampere, Finland on October 11-12, 2012

The IEEE ESTIMedia'12 is organized as a part of the Embedded Systems
Week October 07-12, 2012 Tampere, Finland

==== General Information ====
The IEEE ESTIMedia aims to bring together people from different
multimedia-related research communities who have worked separately,
but did not interact sufficiently to address the challenges facing the
design of hardware and software for multimedia systems.  After a very
successful debut in 2003 and consolidated in successive years,
ESTIMedia is continuing to be run at part of the Embedded Systems
Week. We hope that this 10th edition will present a good opportunity
for specialists from academia and industry to contribute to this
exciting research area. The program will bring together original work
from both, academic and industrial research and development. This
year, ESTIMedia features a NEW SUBMISSION procedure distinct from
previous years as follows:

1. All submissions are made to the ACM Transactions on Embedded
Computing Systems (TECS), Special Issue for ESTIMedia 2012.
2. There will be two types of accepted submissions: (1) accepted and
selected papers and (2) accepted papers.
3. The accepted and selected papers will be published in the special
issue of the ACM TECS. These papers will be also invited to
provide an extended abstract to be published in the symposium
4. The accepted papers will be published (full length) in the
symposium proceedings.
5. Authors of the "accepted and selected" papers and the "accepted"
papers are scheduled for a 20-min oral presentation followed by an
interactive poster session.
6. Papers should represent original work, not published or submitted
for publication in other conferences or journals.

==== Areas of Interest (but not restricted to)====

*   Specification and modeling of multimedia systems
*   Multimedia systems design methodologies and case studies
*   Circuits and architectures for embedded multimedia systems
*   Multimedia processors and reconfigurable architectures
*   Emerging trends (systems-on-chip, networks-on-chip, game
applications, etc.)
*   Validation and verification
*   Software optimization and compiler techniques
*   Timing aspects of media streams
*   Scheduling of media processing
*   Resource and QoS management methods
*   Temporal estimation and protection of media streams
*   Real-time kernels, OS and middleware support

==== Paper Submission Guidelines====

Both research and application-oriented papers are welcome. Research
papers should describe original research, such as new ideas,
promising approaches and experiences with practical
systems. Application-oriented papers should describe interesting
technical aspects of real-life applications, prototypes, experiences,
and standards. Submitted papers should represent original work, not
published or submitted for publication in other conferences or
journals. All papers should be submitted electronically via the TECS
submission system with a clear identification for submitting to
ESTIMedia 2012. Submissions must be limited to 10 pages,
single-spaced, double-column IEEE format with 10-point fonts.
Authors are also encouraged to submit shorter (e.g., 6 pages) papers
if this better fits the nature and content of the paper. Papers
deviating significantly from these paper size and font constraints
may be rejected without review.

==== Important Dates====

Submission deadline (extended): June 25, 2012

Author notification (for symposium acceptance/rejection):
August, 03, 2012
Revision deadline for potential accepted and selected papers:
August, 17, 2012
Revision acceptance notification (for accepted and selected papers):
September, 10, 2012
Camera-ready version: September, 17, 2012

==== Organizers====
General Chair
Jörg Henkel, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

Past General Chair
Naehyuck Chang, Seoul National University, Korea

Technical Program Co-Chairs
Jian-Jia Chen, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Maurizio Palesi, Kore University, Italy

Web Chair
Muhammad Shafique, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

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