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January 25, 2013 - ALCHEMY Workshop (Architecture, Languages, Compilation and Hardware support for Emerging ManYcore systems)

ALCHEMY Workshop (Architecture, Languages, Compilation and Hardware support for Emerging ManYcore systems) Held in conjunction with the International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2013) Barcelona, Spain, 5-7 June 2013
When Jan 25, 2013
from 12:00 AM to 11:40 PM
Where Barcelona, Spain
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ALCHEMY Workshop (Architecture, Languages, Compilation and Hardware
support for Emerging ManYcore systems)

Held in conjunction with the International Conference on Computational
Science (ICCS 2013)

Barcelona, Spain, 5-7 June 2013

*Call for papers*

Massively parallel processors are becoming one of the key actors for the
next embedded and high performance computing architectures. They offer
thousands of cores, integrated memory and network on a single chip. They
also keep a low power consumption compared to regular chip
multiprocessors. As far as today, taking benefit of parallel and
distributed architectures such as GPGPU farms, clusters, grids and
clouds, has exhibited the complexity of offering tight programmability
to the developer, while preserving a high level of performance.
Manycores encounter the same challenges, but they rely on paradigms
coming from CMP architectures.

In this session, we explore  the newest academic and industrial works
that contribute to the efficient programmability of manycores. These
contributions should be from any of the following research fields:
programming languages and compilers, runtime generation, architecture
support for massive parallelism management and enhanced communications,
new operating systems and dedicated operating systems.

ICCS is the relevant place to gather researchers that work both on
novel architecture concepts and execution support for such
architectures. It can also bring useful interactions with the
computational science community in order to match the proposal of new
architectures and programmability support with the computational needs.

*Topics (not limited to)*

- Advanced compilers for programming languages targeting massively
parallel architectures
- Advanced architecture support for massive parallelism management
- Advanced architecture support for enhanced communication for CMP/manycores
- Shared memory, data consistency models and protocols
- New OS, or dedicated OS for massively parallel application
- Runtime generation for parallel programing on manycores.

*Important dates (subject to modifications)*

 Full paper submission      January 25, 2013
 Notification of acceptance       February 15, 2013
 Camera-ready papers        March 5, 2013


Papers should be formatted using the ICCS rules (up to 10 page papers,
single column). See ALCHEMY workshop page and ICCS page for further details.

*Program Committee*

David Bader, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Loïc Cudennec, CEA LIST, France
Roberto Di Cosmo, University of Paris-Diderot, France
Stephan Diestelhorst, AMD Dresden, Germany
Aleksandar Dragojevic, Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK
Benoît Dupond de Dinechin, KALRAY, France
Daniel Etiemble, University of Paris-Sud, France
Stéphane Louise, CEA LIST, France
Eric Petit, University of Versailles Saint Quentin-en-Yvelines, France
Antoniu Pop, Ecole Normale Superieure (ENS) de Paris, France
Erwan Raffin, CAPS entreprise, France
Etienne Rivière, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Osamu Tatebe, University of Tsukuba, Japan


Loïc Cudennec, CEA LIST, France
Stéphane Louise, CEA LIST, France

CEA LIST, Nano-Innov / Saclay
91191 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex
+33 1 69 08 00 58

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