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January 18, 2013 - CSTVA'13 (5th International workshop on Constraints in Software Testing, Verification and Analysis)

CSTVA'13 - 5th International workshop on Constraints in Software Testing, Verification and Analysis A workshop of ICST'13, the 6th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing Verification and Validation, held in Luxembourg, March 22nd, 2013
When Jan 18, 2013
from 12:00 AM to 11:55 PM
Where Luxembourg
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CSTVA'13 - 5th International workshop on 
       Constraints in Software Testing, Verification and Analysis

A workshop of ICST'13, the 6th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing 
Verification and Validation, held in Luxembourg, March 22nd, 2013

Important dates:
Submission  :  ***January 18, 2013*** (extended deadline) 
Notification:  ***February 15, 2013***
Camera-ready:  ***March, 3rd, 2013***
Workshop    :  ***March 22, 2013***

Research papers (***up to 6 pages***)
Authors are invited to submit original contributions in the form of an extended 
abstract of up to 6 pages using the two-column IEEE format, presenting new ideas, 
new results or new systems in constraint-based testing.  Papers should not be 
published or submitted elsewhere during the time of evaluation.

Extended abstract and tool papers (***up to 2 pages***)
Authors are invited to submit extended abstract papers of up to 2 pages 
to 2 pages using the two-column IEEE format presenting  new tools, new 
challenges and breaking results in constraint-based testing, as well as 
discussions of existing projects in the area.  We also solicit papers 
of up to 2 pages presenting a testing or verification tool based on 
constraint solving techniques

All the papers accepted for presentation at the workshop will be published
within the IEEE proceedings. 

Recent years have seen an increasing interest in the application of constraint 
solving techniques to the testing and analysis of software systems.  A significant 
body of constraint-based techniques have been proposed and investigated in model-based
testing, code-based testing, property-oriented testing, statistical testing, etc.

The central idea behind these techniques is designing or using existing constraint 
solvers such as SMT solvers to deal with boolean, integer, real, floating-point data 
types, enumerated types, control structures, complex data structures, method calls 
and so on.  The constraint systems that result from these analyses usually share some 
common features such as being heterogeneous and highly dynamic. This also led to the 
design of domain-specific heuristics able to exploit the structure of programs or
specification models.

The workshop will focus on a broad range of topics in constrained-based testing, 
verification and analysis including, but not limited to, the following:

    * Constraint-based analysis of programs and models
    * Constraint-based test input generation
    * Constraint-based exploration of programs and models
    * Heuristics guided by the structure of programs and models
    * Constraint solvers over specific domains
    * SMT solvers used in program testing
    * Combination of dedicated constraint solvers

Following a first meeting held with the CP 2012 conference in Nantes in 2006, and 
three subsequent meetings at ICST 2010, 2011 and 2012, the aim of this workshop is to 
bring together researchers and practitioners working in constraint-based software 
testing, verification and analysis, as well as in the more general field of program 
testing, to investigate future developments in this research field.

Cristian Cadar, Imperial College London, UK -
Frederic Dadeau, Universite de Franche-Comte, France -

Program committee:
Marcelo D'Amorim - Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil
Christoph Csallner - University of Texas, Arlington, USA
Gordon Fraser - University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
Vijay Ganesh - University of Waterloo, Canada
Arnaud Gotlieb - Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
Milos Gligoric - University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
Shadi Khalek - University of Texas, Austin, USA
Darko Marinov - University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
Claude Michel - University of Nice, France
Corina Pasareanu - NASA Ames Research Center, USA
Michel Rueher - University of Nice, France
Nikolai Tillmann - Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA
Willem Visser - Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Nicky Williams - CEA-LIST, France
Franz Wotawa - TU Graz, Austria

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