Jul 14, 2010 - POPL 2011 (38th ACM SIGACT-SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages)
![]() Important dates
ScopeThe annual Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages is a forum for the discussion of all aspects of programming languages and systems, with emphasis on how principles underpin practice. Both theoretical and experimental papers are welcome, on topics ranging from formal frameworks to experience reports. Advice to authorsSubmissions on a diversity of topics are sought, particularly ones that identify new research directions. POPL 2011 is not limited to topics discussed in previous symposia. Authors concerned about the appropriateness of a topic may communicate by electronic mail with the program chair prior to submission. Explaining a known idea in a new way may make as strong a contribution as inventing a new one. Continuing a tradition established in POPL 2008, we encourage the submission of pearls: elegant essays that illustrate an idea, for example by developing a short program. (Advice on writing pearls can be found in the ICFP 2008 Call for Papers.) However, there is no formal separation of categories and no need to explicitly label pearls as such: ALL papers, whether pearl or otherwise, will be judged on a combination of correctness, significance, novelty, clarity, and elegance. Each paper should explain its contributions in both general and technical terms, identifying what has been accomplished, explaining why it is significant, and comparing it with previous work. Authors should strive to make their papers understandable to a broad audience. More advice on writing technical papers can be found on the SIGPLAN Author Information page. Submission guidelinesAuthors should submit an abstract of at most 300 words and a full paper of no more than 12 pages (including bibliography and appendices). The submission deadline and length limitations are firm. Submissions that do not meet these guidelines may not be considered. A submission URL will be announced closer to the deadline. Submissions should be in standard ACM SIGPLAN conference format: two columns, nine-point font on a ten-point baseline, with columns 20pc (3.33in) wide and 54pc (9in) tall, with a column gutter of 2pc (0.33in). Detailed formatting guidelines are available on the SIGPLAN Author Information page, along with a LaTeX class file and template. Papers must be submitted in PDF format and printable on US Letter size paper. Individuals for whom this requirement is a hardship should contact the program chair at least one week before the deadline. Submitted papers must adhere to the SIGPLAN Republication Policy. Concurrent submissions to other conferences, workshops, journals, or similar forums of publication are not allowed. The ACM copyright notice is not required of submissions, only of accepted papers. Authors of accepted papers will be required to sign the ACM copyright form. Proceedings will be published by ACM Press. Categories and keywords need not be included in the submission. Authors will have a 48-hour period to read and respond to the reviews of their papers before the PC meeting. Details of the response process will be announced by e-mail a few days beforehand. Student AttendeesStudents with accepted papers or posters are encouraged to apply for a SIGPLAN PAC grant that will help to cover travel expenses to POPL. Details on the PAC program and the application can be found here. PAC also offers support for companion travel. Workshop and co-located eventsA call for workshop and co-located events is available here.What to do in AustinLots of information about what to do in Austin is available here.Organizers
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