January 20,2012 - (12th Workshop on "Tools for Program Development and Analysis in Computational Science)
Dear Colleagues, we invite you to submit an article to the 12th Workshop on "Tools for Program Development and Analysis in Computational Science" which takes place in conjunction with the ICCS conference in Omaha, Nebraska in June 2012. Submission deadline: Jan 20th 2012 Notification of acceptance: Feb 15th 2012 Camera ready papers: Mar 7th 2012 Workshop and conference: June 4th to 6th 2012 The primary intention of our workshop is to bring together developers of tools that assist scientific computing in any form and scientists and engineers from various application fields using computational methods and support tools. The topics of interest related to distributed and parallel computing include: * Problem solving environments for specific application domains * Application building and software construction tools * Domain-specific analysis tools * Program visualization and visual programming tools * On-line monitoring and computational steering tools * Tools for parallel, distributed and network-based computing * Testing and debugging tools * Performance analysis and tuning tools * (Dynamic) Instrumentation and monitoring tools * Data (re-)partitioning and load-balancing tools * Checkpointing and restart tools * Tools for resource management, job queuing and accounting * Requirements for (new) tools emerging from the application domain * Use cases and practical experiences with real-world applications Also check the workshop web page http://www.lrz.de/iccs2012/ . A PDF version of this CfP is available at http://www.mnm-team.org/_events/iccs/2012/cfp.pdf In case of any questions please contact us via email iccs2012@lrz.de . Best regards, Andreas Knuepfer on behalf of the entire program committee
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