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February 07, 2011 - SAMOS XI (ternational Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation)

Call for Papers - SAMOS XI International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation (SAMOS XI) Samos, Greece, July 18-21, 2011
When Feb 07, 2011
Where Samos, Greece,
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                     Call for Papers - SAMOS XI
        International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems:
         Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation (SAMOS XI)
                  Samos, Greece, July 18-21, 2011
             *** SUBMISSION DEADLINE: February 7, 2011 ***

SAMOS is a premier and well-established conference on embedded systems
organized  annually. The conference brings together researchers from
academia and industry on the  quiet and inspiring northern mountainside
of the Mediterranean island of Samos. It provides  an environment where
collaboration rather than competition is fostered.
SAMOS XI is technically co-sponsored by the IEEE and the  conference
proceedings will be  published in the IEEE Explore. Authors are invited
to submit  new  state-of-the-art research papers in accordance to the
author's  instructions in one of the following tracks:

** The Applications, Systems, Architectures, and Processors Track **

Track focuses on issues related to the efficient execution of code
across many platform domains.  Architectures for instruction set
processors including low power, vector, reconfigurable, multimedia,
graphics, real-time, embedded, multithreading, and SDR are targeted.
Contributions are welcome on new microarchitectural techniques to
improve performance and  efficiency including parallel execution, memory
hierarchies, and cache design. Moreover this Track covers efficient
execution of applications and  system implementations using novel
architectural and  microarchitectural techniques. Topics of interest
include (but are not limited to):

  * Novel Architectures and Micro-architectures for Embedded Systems
  * Application-specific and Domain-specific Embedded Systems
  * Embedded Reconfigurable Processors
  * Multimedia and Graphics Architectures and Processors
  * Energy-Aware and Low-Power Processors
  * Embedded Parallel Systems and Multiprocessor Systems-On-Chip
  * Memory Management and Smart Caches
  * Network-on-Chip Interconnects
  * Digital Signal Processors / Software Defined Radios

** The Modeling, Design, and Design Space Exploration Track **

Track focuses on all aspects related to the design processes for
embedded systems: specification and  modeling languages and simulation,
hardware/software and system synthesis and compilation strategies;
performance and power estimation and analysis; design and design space
exploration methodologies.  Topics of interest include (but are not
limited to):

  * Hardware/Software and Algorithm/Architecture Co-design
  * Design Space Exploration Strategies, Algorithms and CAD Tools
  * Specification Languages and Models
  * System-Level Design, Simulation, and Verification
  * Hardware, Software and System Synthesis Techniques and CAD Tools
  * MP-SoC and Platform Based Design Methodologies
  * MP-SoC Programming, Compilers, Simulation and Mapping Technologies
  * Profiling, Measurement and Analysis Techniques and CAD Tools
  * (Design for) System Adaptivity
  * Testing and Debugging

** Samos Special session on 3D Chips: Challenges and Opportunities **
Session Chair: Tong Zhang, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, NY, US

Encouraged by the recent significant progress on 3D integration
technologies and also arguably forced by the coming end of historical
transistor scaling, semiconductor industry is now quickly migrating
from the whether 3D debate phase to the intensive how/when 3D
R&D phase. The potential benefits and risks of 3D integration can
only be explored to the full extent in a vertically integrated manner
from integration technology to system design. This certainly provides
a new spectrum of challenges and opportunities for industrial and
academic research community and warrants significant rethinking
and innovations. Aiming to showcase recent progress on a variety
of 3D technology and design fronts and provide an inspiring forum
for inter-disciplinary discussions and even possible collaborations,
this special session invites submissions on related topics in this
broad area including but not limited to integration technology,
testing, thermal, EDA, circuits and systems design, and successful
prototyping. Review and vision papers are also very welcome.

** Samos Panel **
The agenda of each day of the conference will conclude with a panel
coordinated by Yale Patt, University of Texas at Austin, and Trevor
Mudge, University of Michigan. The panel will focus on identifying
the critical problems and opportunities provided by the emerging
multi-core era of the microprocessor.

SAMOS XI Organization:

  * General Chair
    A. D. Pimentel, University of Amsterdam, NL

  * Program Chair
    L. Carro - UFRGS, BR

  * Track Chairs
  Applications, Systems, Architectures, and Processors:
  P. Evripidou - Univ. Cyprus, CY

  Modeling, Design, and Design Space Exploration:
  J. McAllister - Queen's Univ., Belfast, UK

  * SAMOS Steering Committee
    S. Bhattacharyya, University of Maryland, US
    H. Blume, University of Hannover, DE
    E. Deprettere, Leiden University, NL
    N. Dimopoulos, University of Victoria, CA
    G.N. Gaydadjiev, TU Delft, NL
    J. Glossner, Optimum Semiconductor Technologies, US
    W. Najjar, University of California - Riverside, US
    A.D. Pimentel, University of Amsterdam, NL
    O. SilvÈn, University of Oulu, FI
    J. Takala, Tampere University of Technology, FI
    S. Wong, TU Delft, NL

  * Panel Sessions Chairs
    T. Mudge, University of Michigan, US
    Y. Patt, University of Texas - Austin, US

  * Past Chair
    F. Kurdahi, University of California - Irvine, US

  * Program Committee: See

Important Dates:

February 07, 2011    -- Paper Submission Deadline
April 08, 2011            -- Notification of Acceptance
May 02, 2011             -- Camera Ready Submission Deadline
July 18 - 21, 2011      -- SAMOS XI, Greece

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