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January 11, 2010 - ICS 2010 (24th International Conference on Supercomputing)

24th International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS’10) June 1-4, 2010 Epochal Tsukuba (Tsukuba International Congress Center) Tsukuba, Japan
When Jan 11, 2010 06:20 PM to
Jun 01, 2010 12:00 AM
Where Tsukuba, Japan
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CfP: International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS’10)
November 30th, 2009
24th International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS’10)
June 1-4, 2010
Epochal Tsukuba (Tsukuba International Congress Center)
Tsukuba, Japan
Sponsored by ACM/SIGARCH

ICS is the premier international forum for the presentation of research results in high-performance computing systems. In 2010 the conference will be held at the Epochal Tsukuba (Tsukuba International Congress Center) in Tsukuba City, the largest high-tech and academic
city in Japan.

Papers are solicited on all aspects of research, development, and application of high-performance experimental and commercial systems. Special emphasis will be given to work that leads to better understanding of the implications of the new era of million-scale parallelism and Exa-scale performance; including (but not limited to):

Computationally challenging scientific and commercial applications: studies and experiences to exploit ultra large scale parallelism, a large number of accelerators, and/or cloud computing paradigm.
High-performance computational and programming models: studies and proposals of new models, paradigms and languages for scalable application development, seamless exploitation of accelerators, and grid/cloud computing.
Architecture and hardware aspects: processor, accelerator, memory, interconnection network, storage and I/O architecture to make future systems scalable, reliable and power efficient.
Software aspects: compilers and runtime systems, programming and development tools, middleware and operating systems to enable us to scale applications and systems easily, efficiently and reliably.
Performance evaluation studies and theoretical underpinnings of any of the above topics, especially those giving us perspective toward future generation high-performance computing.
Large scale installations in the Petaflop era: design, scaling, power, and reliability, including case studies and experience reports, to show the baselines for future systems.
In order to encourage open discussion on future directions, the program committee will provide higher priority for papers that present highly innovative and challenging ideas.

Papers should not exceed 6,000 words, and should be submitted electronically, in PDF format using the ICS’10 submission web site. Submissions should be blind. The review process will include a rebuttal period. Please refer to the ICS’10 web site for detailed instructions.

Workshop and tutorial proposals are also be solicited and due by January 18, 2010. For further information and future updates, refer to the ICS’10 web site at or contact the General Chair ( or Program Co-Chairs (

Important Dates

Abstract submission: January 11, 2010
Paper submission: January 18, 2010
Author notification: March 22, 2010
Final papers: April 15, 2010
For more information, please visit the conference web site at

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