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January 16, 2011 - RSP (22nd IEEE International Symposium on Rapid System Prototyping)

22nd IEEE International Symposium on Rapid System Prototyping May 24-27 May, 2011 Karlsruhe, Germany
When Jan 16, 2011
Where Karlsruhe, Germany
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                   22nd IEEE International Symposium on
                       Rapid System Prototyping

                             May 24-27 May, 2011
                              Karlsruhe, Germany

= Important Dates =

* Submission

 - Paper submission:                               January 16, 2011
   full paper in pdf or ps format

* Notification of Acceptance:                        April 04, 2010

* Final Camera Ready Manuscript due:                 April 18, 2010

= General Description =

The IEEE International Symposium on Rapid System Prototyping (RSP)
explores trends in Rapid Prototyping of Computer Based Systems. Its
scope ranges from embedded system design, formal methods for the
verification of systems, engineering methods, process and tool chains
to case studies of actual software and hardware systems. It aims to
bring together researchers from the hardware and software communities
to share their experiences and to foster collaboration of new and
innovative Science and Technology. The 22nd annual Symposium focus
will encompass theoretical and practical methodologies, resolving
technologies of specification, completeness, dynamics of change,
technology insertion, complexity, integration, and time to market.

This edition will emphasize Automotive, Medical and Avionics embedded
systems design challenges. Submission of industrial research is

Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:

* System on Chip design challenges
* Embedded System Architecture Integration
* Real Time embedded system challenges
* Specification and Language Models for hardware/software systems
* Methodologies and Tools for hardware/software intensive systems
* Heterogeneous multi-domain embedded systems
* Very large scale system engineering
* Embedded System verification/validation
* Critical Embedded Systems design
* Applying formal methods to prototyping
* Reliability and failure analysis
* Emerging Technologies and Applications
* Prototypes in engineering processes
* Model Driven Engineering and prototyping
* Prototyping of Embedded Real Time Systems
* Virtual prototyping of physical systems
* Prototype to product transition
* Prototyping case studies
* Reconfigurable products or systems
* Industrial Designs in Automotive, Medical and Avionics domains

For years, extended versions of best papers have been proposed to be
published in special issues of prestigious journals. This strategy
will be continued for RSP 2011.

= Submission Instructions =

For years, extended versions of best papers have been proposed to be
published in special issues of prestigious journals. This strategy
will be continued for RSP 2011.

The program committee invites authors to submit original, previously
unpublished full papers. Authors of selected papers will be requested
to prepare a manuscript for the symposium proceedings. Paper length
should not exceed 7 pages in the standard IEEE format. Submission
instructions as well as templates can be found on the RSP web site.

The program committee also invites tutorial speakers for giving
lectures on RSP topics, for both academic and industrial
attendees. For more detailed information, please contact the Tutorial

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