March 23, 2012 - PACT (The 21st International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques)
When |
Mar 23, 2012
from 12:00 AM to 11:35 PM |
Where | Minneapolis, MN, USA |
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PACT-2012 |
(images under a creative commons license; click on each image for corresponding credits)
PACT-2012 will take place at the Radisson Plaza Hotel, in the heart of downtown Minneapolis, MN, within walking distance to downtown attractions and restaurants.
Important Dates
All deadlines are at 11:59pm Central Time at their corresponding dates. No extensions will be granted!!!
PACT-2012 Main Conference Papers
- Abstract submission: March 16, 2012
- Full paper submission: March 23, 2012
- Rebuttal period: May 30, 2012 - June 1, 2012
- Author notification: June 15, 2012
- Final versions of accepted papers: July 29, 2012
- Main conference: September 20-22, 2012 (3 days)
PACT-2012 Workshops & Tutorials
- Workshop/Tutorial Proposal submission: April 2, 2012
- Workshop/Tutorial Proposal notification: April 16, 2012
- Workshops/Tutorials: September 19 and 23, 2012 (2 days)
ACM Student Research Competition
- ACM SRC submission: July 2, 2012
- ACM SRC notification: July 16, 2012
The call for papers in PDF is HERE.
Call for Papers
The Twenty-First International Conference on
Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques
PACT 2012
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
September 19-23, 2012
PACT 2012 will bring together researchers from architecture, compilers, applications and languages to present and discuss innovative research of common interest. PACT solicits novel papers on a broad range of topics including, but not limited to:
- Parallel architectures and computational models
- Compilers and tools for parallel computer systems
- Multicore, multithreaded, superscalar, and VLIW architectures
- Compiler/hardware support for hiding memory latencies
- Support for correctness in hardware and software (especially with concurrency)
- Reconfigurable computing
- Dynamic translation and optimization
- I/O issues in parallel computing and their relation to applications
- Parallel programming languages, algorithms and applications
- Middleware and run time system support for parallel computing
- High performance application specific systems
- Applications and experimental systems studies
- Topics in non-traditional computing systems
Detailed instructions for electronic submission will be posted on the PACT conference web site. For additional information regarding paper submissions, please contact the Program Co-chairs.
We are soliciting proposals for workshops and tutorials to be held immediately before and after the conference. Interested individuals may contact the Workshop Chair and the Tutorial Chair.
We are calling for participation in the ACM Student Research Competition (SRC). All eligible participants are entitled to an up to $500 travel grant. Winners will receive monetary and other prizes. Please see the PACT web site for details.
- Abstract submission March 16, 2012
- Paper submission (firm) March 23, 2012
- Workshop/Tutorial Proposals April 2, 2012
- Author notification June 15, 2012
- ACM SRC Abstract submission July 2, 2012
Organizing Committee
General Co-chairs
Sangyeun Cho, Univ. of Pittsburgh
Pen-Chung Yew, Univ. of Minnesota
Program Co-chairs
Luiz DeRose, Cray, Inc.
David J. Lilja, Univ. of Minnesota
Rajeev Balasubramonian, Univ. of Utah
Finance Chair
Xiaorui Wang, Ohio State Univ.
Local Chair
Jon Weissman, Univ. of Minnesota
Publication Chair
Yoonseo Choi, IBM T.J. Watson
Publicity Chairs
Americas Barry Rountree, LLNL
China Xiaobing Feng, ICT
Europe Marcelo Cintra, Univ. of Edinburgh
India Mainak Chaudhuri, IIT Kanpur
Pacific Kei Hiraki, Univ. of Tokyo
Registration Chair
Antonia Zhai, Univ. of Minnesota
Student Chair
Xin Fu, Univ. of Kansas
Submissions Chair
Byeong Kil Lee, Univ. of Texas San Antonio
Tutorial Chair
John Cavazos, Univ. of Delaware
Web Chair
Nikos Hardavellas, Northwestern Univ.
Workshop Chair
Thomas Wenisch, Univ. of Michigan
Steering Commitee
Michel Cosnard, INRIA
Kemal Ebcioglu, Global Supercomputing
Jean Luc Gaudiot (Chair), UC Irvine
Michael Gschwind, IBM USA
Jens Knoop, Vienna Univ. Technology
Lawrence Rauchwerger, Texas A&M Univ.
Valentina Salapura, IBM USA
Vivek Sarkar, Rice Univ.
Gabriel Silberman, CA
Program Commitee
Tarek Abdelrahman, Univ. of Toronto
Dennis Abts, Google
Nancy Amato, Texas A&M Univ.
Dorian Arnold, Univ. of New Mexico
Brad Beckmann, AMD
John Carter, IBM Research
Daniel Chavarria, PNNL
Derek Chiou, Univ. of Texas Austin
Marcelo Cintra, Univ. of Edinburgh
Tom Conte, Georgia Tech.
Brodis R. de Supinski, LLNL
Lieven Eeckhout, Ghent Univ.
Rudi Eigenmann, Purdue Univ.
Guang Gao, Univ. of Delaware
Michael Garland, NVIDIA
Michael Gerndt, Technical Univ. Munich
Kei Hiraki, Univ. of Tokyo
Amir Hormati, Microsoft Research
Vijay Japana Reddi, Univ. of Texas Austin
Alex Jones, Univ. of Pittsburgh
Karen Karavanic, Portland State Univ.
Jaejin Lee, Seoul Natíl Univ.
Jose Martinez, Cornell Univ.
Sally A. McKee, Chalmers Univ.
Jose Moreira, IBM Research
Satish Narayanasamy, Univ. of Michigan
Kunle Olukotun, Stanford Univ.
Vijay Pai, Purdue Univ.
Shaz Qadeer, Microsoft Research
Martin Schulz, LLNL
Resit Sendag, Univ. of Rhode Island
Mary Lou Soffa, Univ. of Virginia
Michael Taylor, Univ. of California San Diego
Felix Wolf, RWTH Aachen Univ.
Antonia Zhai, Univ. of Minnesota
Xiaodong Zhang, Ohio State Univ.
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